About upgrade

Upgrading System

Let's enjoy Gold/Platinum movies! Simply by paying the difference on your membership fee, you can upgrade to a Gold/Platinum member right away!

Privileges of Gold Members

  • Access to Gold movies that are Exclusive to Gold members!

    Gold members can watch original and other special movies inaccessible to normal members.

  • Huge Increase in Daily Download Limit!

    Compared to normal members, Gold members can download much more!

About Gold upgrade

You can upgrade to a Gold member if you've joined as a 30-day or 60-day member AND your membership period has been within 60 days. By simply paying the difference on your membership fee, you can immediately watch Gold movies. Please note that, even if you've already cancelled your membership beforehand, the cancellation is considered invalid and recurring charges will commence when you upgrade to Gold.

Privileges of Platinum Members

  • Access to Platinum movies that are Exclusive to Platinum members!

    Platinum members can watch original and other special movies inaccessible to Gold and normal members.

  • Even more Increase in Daily Download Limit!

    Compared to Gold and normal members, Platinum members can download much, much more!

About Platinum upgrade

You can upgrade to a Platinum member if you've joined as a 30-day, 60-day or 90-day (Gold) member AND your membership period has been within 180 days. By simply paying the difference on your membership fee, you can immediately watch Platinum movies. Please note that, even if you've already cancelled your membership beforehand, the cancellation is considered invalid and recurring charges will commence when you upgrade to Platinum.